

The API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

To use the API in test mode, use your assigned test server. If you do not have a known test server then send us an email at


To authorize, use this code:

# With shell, you can just pass the correct header with each request
curl https://{server}/api/2/auth/ -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic {api-key}"

Replace {api-key} with your API key & {server} with your server. The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "access_token": "{access-token}",
  "refresh_token": "{refresh-token}",
  "expires": 300

API keys are required to access the API. You can register a new API key at your portal, admin access required to register new API keys.

Authentication is performed by passing API key as header to /auth/

Authorization: Basic {API-key}

Response contains an access token that needs to be added to header when calling API endpoints.


Each list request in the system can be paginated, sorted, and filtered using QueryString parameters.


Each list can be paginated using the two parameters offset and limit.

Get all results from index 10 to 20

curl "/api/2/accounts/?offset=11&limit=20" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The parameter offset indicates where, in the result-set, to begin return items. The parameter limit indicates the upper limit of items, that should be returned, in one request.


Sort by name in ascending order

curl "/api/2/accounts/?sort=name" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Sort by name in ascending order and by postal code in descending order

curl "/api/2/accounts/?sort=name,-postal" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Sorting is a powerful way to get the most relevant data based on a sort-order expression.For instance, how to get the highest valued Contract, or how to find an Accounts based on its name? Each property of a result-set is a potential candidate for sorting. There are two prefixes that determines the sort-order, "+" and "-".The "+" and "-" represents ascend and descend. It is also possible to combine multiple sorting-expression with , in order to refine the result even further.


The system as a built-in filtering protocol, that can be used to filter list result-sets into smaller pieces.

Filtering sales invoices by document_date range using operator -and-

curl "/api/2/salesinvoices/?filter=$gteq(document_date,'2021-05-01')-and-$lteq(document_date,'2021-05-03')" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

There are two kind of operators: -and- and -or-.

Filter all Accounts containing "customer" in their name

curl "/api/2/accounts/?filter=$like(name,'%customer%')" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

Several helper-functions are provided in order to make it easier to drilldown a result.

Filter all Transactions belogning to the specified contract number

curl "/api/2/transactions/?filter=$eq(contract_number,'110003114000')" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"
Function Description
$date_add(date,amount,unit) Adds amount of unit to date
$date_now() Returns current date
$eq(prop,value) Test a property against a value exactly
$gt(prop,value) Test a property against greater-then
$gteq(prop,value) Test a property against greater-then or equal to
$like(prop,value) Test a property against a value likely
$lt(prop,value) Test a property against less-then
$in(prop,value) Test an array property against a value
$lteq(prop,value) Test a property against less-than or equal to
$me() Returns the credentials of the connection
$neq(prop,value) Test a property against a value not equal to



GET /api/2/accounts/
GET /api/2/accounts/:id/
PATCH /api/2/accounts/:id/
GET /api/2/accounts/-dump/

Account represents Autodesk Accounts, companies with a direct or indirect relation to Autodesk. This includes End Customer, VAR, VAD, Parent. CSN is assigned by Autodesk and it is a unique identifier. Accounts are created by Autodesk, usually as result of an order.

The Account Object

Attribute Type Description
id string Unique Identifier same as csn Autodesk CSN
object string Object name account
csn string Autodesk CSN
name string Company Name
account_admin_email string Email of Account Admin
account_admin_name string Name of Account Admin
account_manager_email string Email of Account Manager
account_manager_name string Name of Account Manager
account_type string Account Type
active string Current Active Status
address_line1 string Address row 1
address_line2 string Address row 2
address_line3 string Address row 3
autodesk_main_contact_email string Autodesk represenative email on account
autodesk_main_contact_name string Autodesk represenative name on account
buying_readiness_score number Autodesk predictive model of customer probability to make additional purchase within 90 days.
city string City address
country string Country address
country_code string 2-Letter Country Code
county string County address
geo string Autodesk GEO Market
industry string
industry_group string
industry_segment string
industry_sub_segment string
language string Operating language
local_name string Native Company Name
metadata object Metadata object
parent_csn string Parent of account Autodesk CSN
parent_name string Name of Parent
phone_number string Autodesk registered phone number
postal string Postal number/ zip code - address
reseller_site_id string Reseller site id
reseller_site_name string Reseller site name
sales_region string Autodesk Sales Region
segment string Autodesk Account Segment
state_province string State / Province - address
status string Autodesk assigned Account Status
website string Website of customer
last_updated string Date Time when object was last changed.

List Accounts

List Accounts

curl "https://{server}/api/2/accounts/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "count": 1,
    "items": [
            "account_admin_email": "",
            "account_admin_name": "John Doe",
            "account_manager_email": null,
            "account_manager_name": null,
            "account_type": "END_CUSTOMER",
            "active": "ACTIVE",
            "address_line1": "Street 35",
            "address_line2": null,
            "address_line3": null,
            "autodesk_main_contact_email": null,
            "autodesk_main_contact_name": null,
            "buying_readiness_score": 0,
            "city": "City",
            "country": "Finland",
            "country_code": "FI",
            "county": null,
            "csn": "5100196200",
            "geo": "EMEA",
            "id": "5100196200",
            "industry": null,
            "industry_group": "MFG",
            "industry_segment": "Industrial Machinery",
            "industry_sub_segment": "Machine Tools",
            "language": "English",
            "last_updated": "2022-09-06T17:14:51.339Z",
            "local_name": null,
            "metadata": {
                "account_seats": 150,
                "account_arr": {
                    "eur": 150000,
            "name": "Company Name",
            "object": "account",
            "parent_csn": "5133241300",
            "parent_name": "Group",
            "phone_number": "+46703488464",
            "postal": "12345",
            "reseller_site_id": "55555",
            "reseller_site_name": "Reseller Site",
            "sales_region": "NORTH_EUROPE",
            "segment": "MIDMARKET",
            "state_province": "STATE",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "website": ""

This endpoint retrieves all accounts.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/accounts/

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 After filter and sort, how many records should be skipped
limit 25 After filter, sort and offset how many records should be returned.
sort - Specify an optional sorting
filter - Specify an optional filter

Retrive an Account

Get an account based on ID

curl "https://{server}/api/2/accounts/5100196200/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "account_admin_email": "",
    "account_admin_name": "John Doe",
    "account_manager_email": null,
    "account_manager_name": null,
    "account_type": "END_CUSTOMER",
    "active": "ACTIVE",
    "address_line1": "Street 35",
    "address_line2": null,
    "address_line3": null,
    "autodesk_main_contact_email": null,
    "autodesk_main_contact_name": null,
    "buying_readiness_score": 0,
    "city": "City",
    "country": "Finland",
    "country_code": "FI",
    "county": null,
    "csn": "5100196200",
    "geo": "EMEA",
    "id": "5100196200",
    "industry": null,
    "industry_group": "MFG",
    "industry_segment": "Industrial Machinery",
    "industry_sub_segment": "Machine Tools",
    "language": "English",
    "last_updated": "2022-09-06T17:14:51.339Z",
    "local_name": null,
    "metadata": {
        "account_seats": 150,
        "account_arr": {
            "eur": 150000,
    "name": "Company Name",
    "object": "account",
    "parent_csn": "5133241300",
    "parent_name": "Group",
    "phone_number": "+46703488464",
    "postal": "12345",
    "reseller_site_id": "55555",
    "reseller_site_name": "Reseller Site",
    "sales_region": "NORTH_EUROPE",
    "segment": "MIDMARKET",
    "state_province": "STATE",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "website": ""

This endpoint retrieves a specific account.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/accounts/:id/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the account to retrieve

Update an Account

account_admin_email, account_manager_email and reseller_site_id can be patched onto Account. From account these values are inherited to Subscription, Contract, Opportunity and Team

Patch an Account

curl "https://{server}/api/2/accounts/5100196200/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"
  -H "Content-Type: application/json"
  -d '{"reseller_site_id":"50123", "account_admin_email":"", "account_manager_email":""}'

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "status": "ok"

This endpoint updates a specific account and child objects

HTTP Request

PATCH /api/2/accounts/:id/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
account_admin_email Must be a registered user
account_manager_email Must be a registered user
reseller_site_id Must be valid reseller site id from your solution setup

Download All Accounts

Get all Accounts as a raw list

curl "https://{server}/api/2/accounts/-dump/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

A fast way to download full data set. Bypasses filtering, sorting and pagination.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/accounts/-dump/



GET /api/2/contacts/
GET /api/2/contacts/:id/
GET /api/2/contacts/-dump/

Contact represents Contract manager & Team Admin at End Customer.

The Contacts Object

Attribute Type Description
email string Unique Identifier - Email adress
active string Contacts current Active Status
address_line1 string Address row 1
address_line2 string Address row 2
address_line3 string Address row 3
city string City address
country string Country address
customers array Array of Contact related customers
first_name string First Name
last_name string Last Name
metadata object Metadata object
name string Full Name
phone string Autodesk registered phone number
portal_do_not_call boolean Call preference
portal_do_not_email boolean Email preference
portal_do_not_mail boolean Mail preference
portal_registration boolean Autodesk portal registration status
postal_code string Postal number/ zip code - address
role string Contact role
roles string All Contact Role
state_province string State / Province - address
status string Autodesk Contact Status
last_updated string Date Time when object was last changed
Attribute Type Description
csn string End Customers CSN
name string End Customers Name

List Contacts

List Contacts

curl "https://{server}/api/2/contacts/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "count": 1,
    "items": [
            "active": "ACTIVE",
            "address_line1": "Storgatan 11",
            "address_line2": null,
            "address_line3": null,
            "city": "Stockholm",
            "country": "Sweden",
            "customers": [{
                "csn": "5155046048",
                "name": "Customer AB"
            "email": "",
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "last_updated": "2022-09-07T08:34:12.083Z",
            "metadata": {
                "account_seats": 1,
                "account_arr": {
                    "sek": 5400,
                    "nok": 5300,
                    "eur": 420,
                    "dkk": 3700
            "name": "John Doe",
            "phone": "+0256468",
            "portal_do_not_call": false,
            "portal_do_not_email": false,
            "portal_do_not_mail": true,
            "portal_registration": "ACTIVE",
            "postal_code": "112 01",
            "role": "Primary Team Admin",
            "state_province": "Stockholm",
            "status": "ACTIVE"

This endpoint retrieves all contacts.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/contacts/

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 After filter & sort, how many records should be skipped
limit 25 After filter, sort & offset how many records should be returned.
sort - Specify an optional sorting
filter - Specify an optional filter

Retrive a Contact

Get specific Contact with id

curl "https://{server}/api/2/contacts/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "active": "ACTIVE",
    "address_line1": "Storgatan 11",
    "address_line2": null,
    "address_line3": null,
    "city": "Stockholm",
    "country": "Sweden",
    "customers": [{
        "csn": "5155046048",
        "name": "Customer AB"
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "last_updated": "2022-09-07T08:34:12.083Z",
    "metadata": {
        "account_seats": 1,
        "account_arr": {
            "sek": 5400,
            "nok": 5300,
            "eur": 420,
            "dkk": 3700
    "name": "John Doe",
    "phone": "+0256468",
    "portal_do_not_call": false,
    "portal_do_not_email": false,
    "portal_do_not_mail": true,
    "portal_registration": "ACTIVE",
    "postal_code": "112 01",
    "role": "Primary Team Admin",
    "state_province": "Stockholm",
    "status": "ACTIVE"

This endpoint retrieves a specific contact.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/contacts/:id/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the contact to retrieve

Download All Contacts

Get all Contacts as a raw list

curl "https://{server}/api/2/contacts/-dump/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

A fast way to download full data set. Bypasses filtering, sorting and pagination.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/contacts/-dump/


Opportunities are automatically created by the Autodesk system 90 days prior to the asset end date. One opportunity per contract, and end date, are being created. It is worth noting that an opportunity can be regenerated and updated with a new opportunity_number. This hold true also for partial renewals where the remaining part of the original opportunity is assigned a new opportunity number.


GET /api/2/opportunity/
GET /api/2/opportunity/:id/
GET /api/2/opportunity/-dump/

The Opportunity Object

Attribute Type Description
opportunity_number string Unique identifier for this Opportunity
account_admin_email string Email of Account Admin
account_admin_name string Name of Account Admin
account_manager_email string Email of Account Manager
account_manager_name string Name of Account Manager
account_segment string Account Segment of End Customer
autodesk_account_owner string obsolete Always null
contact_email string Contract Manager contact email
contact_first_name string Contract Manager First Name
contact_last_name string Contract Manager Last Name
contact_phone string Contract Manager Phone Number
contract_number string Contract Number that this Opportunity belongs to
contract_renewal_counter integer The number of times the contract was renewed
contract_term integer Length of contract in months
contract_type string Contract Type
customer_country string End Customers country name
customer_csn string End Customers Account CSN
customer_name string End Customers name
distributor_csn string Which Distributor that sold this Opportunity
distributor_name string Name of Distributor Account
ews_risk_band string Shows successful onboarding or time-to-value of purchased subscriptions
items array Array of Opportunity Items, contains subscriptions
last_updated string Date Time when object was last changed.
parent_csn string End Customers Parent Account CSN
parent_name string End Customers Parent Account Name
pur_price object Purchase Price object
reseller_csn string Reseller Account CSN
reseller_name string Reseller account name
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site id
reseller_site_name string Reseller sub site name
sales_status string Opportunity Sales Status
srp_price object Value of SRP, Price object
subscription_end_date string Subscription end date
total_quantity integer Total number of items
total_seats integer Total number of seats

Opportunity Items

Opportunity items are subscriptions

Attribute Type Description
serial_number string Serial Number of the Subscription that this Opportunity Item belongs to
deployment string Subscription Deployment
renewal_sku string Renewal Article
description string Description of Renewal Article
nuture_reseller_flag boolean Nuture Reseller Flag
nurture_reseller string Nurture Reseller
quantity integer Quantity
seats integer Number of seats
srp_price object SRP, Price object
pur_price object Purchase Price object
pack_size integer Number of seats per quantity
total_srp_price object Total SRP, Price object
total_pur_price object Total Purchase Price object

List Opportunities

List all Opportunities

curl "https://{server}/api/2/opportunities/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "count": 1,
    "items": [{
        "account_admin_email": "",
        "account_admin_name": "Admin Name",
        "account_manager_email": "",
        "account_manager_name": "Manager Name",
        "account_segment": "TERRITORY",
        "autodesk_account_owner": null,
        "contact_email": "",
        "contact_first_name": "First",
        "contact_last_name": "Last",
        "contact_phone": "+734537537327",
        "contract_number": "175280218630",
        "contract_renewal_counter": 1,
        "contract_term": 12,
        "contract_type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
        "customer_country": "Sweden",
        "customer_csn": "5100067389",
        "customer_name": "Company AB",
        "distributor_csn": "5070267085",
        "distributor_name": "Future Group Oy",
        "ews_risk_band": "MEDIUM",
        "items": [{
            "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
            "renewal_sku": "829I1-001355-L890",
            "description": "Revit Single",
            "nuture_reseller_flag": false,
            "nurture_reseller": "NURTURE",
            "quantity": 1,
            "seats": 1,
            "serial_number": "876-48282964",
            "srp_price": {
                "dkk": 20800,
                "eur": 2515,
                "nok": 31500,
                "sek": 31200
            "pur_price": {
                "eur": 2464.7
            "pack_size": 1,
            "total_srp_price": {
                "dkk": 20800,
                "eur": 2515,
                "nok": 31500,
                "sek": 31200
            "total_pur_price": {
                "eur": 2464.7
        "last_updated": "2022-09-06T20:05:56.525Z",
        "opportunity_number": "A-97090247",
        "parent_csn": "5100104864",
        "parent_name": ".TEAM ABJ S. R. O.",
        "pur_price": {
            "eur": 2464.7
        "reseller_csn": "5100067385",
        "reseller_name": "Reseller AB",
        "reseller_site_id": "11111",
        "reseller_site_name": "Site AB",
        "sales_status": "NOT_CONTACTED",
        "srp_price": {
            "dkk": 20800,
            "eur": 2515,
            "nok": 31500,
            "sek": 31200
        "subscription_end_date": "2022-09-27",
        "total_quantity": 1,
        "total_seats": 1

This endpoint retrieves all opportunities.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/opportunities/

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 After filter & sort, how many records should be skipped
limit 25 After filter, sort & offset how many records should be returned
sort - Specify an optional sorting
filter - Specify an optional filter

Retrive an Opportunity

Get specific Opportunity with id A-97090247

curl "https://{server}/api/2/opportunities/A-97090247/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "account_admin_email": "",
    "account_admin_name": "Admin Name",
    "account_manager_email": "",
    "account_manager_name": "Manager Name",
    "account_segment": "TERRITORY",
    "autodesk_account_owner": null,
    "contact_email": "",
    "contact_first_name": "First",
    "contact_last_name": "Last",
    "contact_phone": "+734537537327",
    "contract_number": "175280218630",
    "contract_renewal_counter": 1,
    "contract_term": 12,
    "contract_type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
    "customer_country": "Sweden",
    "customer_csn": "5100067389",
    "customer_name": "Company AB",
    "distributor_csn": "5070267085",
    "distributor_name": "Future Group Oy",
    "ews_risk_band": "MEDIUM",
    "items": [{
        "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
        "renewal_sku": "829I1-001355-L890",
        "description": "Revit Single",
        "nuture_reseller_flag": false,
        "nurture_reseller": "NURTURE",
        "quantity": 1,
        "seats": 1,
        "serial_number": "876-48282964",
        "srp_price": {
            "dkk": 20800,
            "eur": 2515,
            "nok": 31500,
            "sek": 31200
        "pur_price": {
            "eur": 2464.7
        "pack_size": 1,
        "total_srp_price": {
            "dkk": 20800,
            "eur": 2515,
            "nok": 31500,
            "sek": 31200
        "total_pur_price": {
            "eur": 2464.7
    "last_updated": "2022-09-06T20:05:56.525Z",
    "opportunity_number": "A-97090247",
    "parent_csn": "5100104864",
    "parent_name": ".TEAM ABJ S. R. O.",
    "pur_price": {
        "eur": 2464.7
    "reseller_csn": "5100067385",
    "reseller_name": "Reseller AB",
    "reseller_site_id": "11111",
    "reseller_site_name": "Site AB",
    "sales_status": "NOT_CONTACTED",
    "srp_price": {
        "dkk": 20800,
        "eur": 2515,
        "nok": 31500,
        "sek": 31200
    "subscription_end_date": "2022-09-27",
    "total_quantity": 1,
    "total_seats": 1

This endpoint retrieves a specific opportunity.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/opportunities/:id/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the opportunity to retrieve

Download All Opportunities

Get all Opportunities as a raw list

curl "https://{server}/api/2/opportunities/-dump/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

A fast way to download full data set. Bypasses filtering, sorting and pagination.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/opportunities/-dump/


Autodesk Contract consists of a set of subscriptions that share contract. Subscriptions inside a contract share, for instance, Term and Contract Manager. When a transaction/order affects a subscription inside a contract, the order usually refers to the contract. Renewing, or extending, always points to the Contract Order Head and then to the relevant subscriptions / line items. Contract, as a separate object, is not strictly needed but can be useful for effortless transactions / order processing.


GET /api/2/contracts/
GET /api/2/contracts/:id/
GET /api/2/contracts/-dump/

The Contract Object

Attribute Type Description
account_admin_email string Email of Account Admin
account_admin_name string Name of Account Admin
account_manager_email string Email of Account Manager
account_manager_name string Name of Account Manager
account_segment string Autodesk Account Segment
contract_end_date string Contract end date
contract_manager_email string Email of Contract Manager
contract_manager_first_name string First name of Contract Manager
contract_manager_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager
contract_manager_phone string Phone of Contract Manager
contract_number string Autodesk Contract #
contract_renewal_counter integer The number of times the contract was renewed
contract_start_date string When contract was started
contract_term integer Length of contract in months
contract_type string Contract Type
customer_csn string End Customer Autodesk CSN
customer_name string Name of End Customer
customer_country string Country of End Customer
distributor_csn string Distributor Autodesk CSN
distributor_name string Name of Distributor
ews_retention_risk_band string EWS retention score. Retiring field, do not used
ews_retention_score decimal EWS score between 0 and 1. Retiring field, do not use
items array Array of Contract Items, contains subscriptions
last_updated string Date Time when object was last changed.
notes string ???
nurture_lock_date string Date when nurturing reseller will be determined.
parent_csn string End Customer Parent Autodesk CSN
parent_name string Name of End Customers Parent Account
pur_price object Purchase Purchase Price object
srp_price object SRP, Price object
reseller_csn string
reseller_csn string Reseller Autodesk CSN
reseller_name string Name of Reseller
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site id
reseller_site_name string Reseller sub site name
total_quantity integer Total number of items
total_seats integer Total number of seats

Contract Items

Attribute Type Description
renewal_sku string Offers a link to product to determine options & prices.
description string Description of product
serial_number string Serial Number representing the underlying Subscription
deployment string Deployment for Subscription
subscription_end_date string Subscription end date.
quantity integer Number of items
seats integer Number of seats
pack_size integer Number of seats per quantity
pur_price object Purchase Price object
srp_price object SRP, Price object
total_pur_price object Total Purchase Price object
total_srp_price object Total SRP, Price object
activation_type string Activation Type for Subscription

List Contracts

List all possible Contracts

curl "https://{server}/api/2/contracts/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "count": 1,
    "items": [
            "contract_number": "110003114019",
            "contract_start_date": "2020-06-15",
            "contract_end_date": "2021-06-14",
            "contract_term": 12,
            "contract_renewal_counter": 0,
            "contract_type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
            "customer_csn": "5139757185",
            "customer_name": "Arctic Mineparts AB",
            "account_segment": "TERRITORY",
            "account_admin_email": "",
            "account_admin_name": "Admin Name",
            "account_manager_email": "",
            "account_manager_name": "Manager Name",
            "customer_country": "Sweden",
            "contract_manager_email": "",
            "contract_manager_first_name": "Viktor",
            "contract_manager_last_name": "Mäkelä",
            "contract_manager_phone": "+46722483990",
            "reseller_csn": "5070000000",
            "reseller_name": "Reseller Name",
            "reseller_site_id": "99999",
            "reseller_site_name": "Reseller Site",
            "notes": null,
            "distributor_csn": "5070267085",
            "distributor_name": "Future Group Oy",
            "ews_retention_risk_band": "HIGH",
            "ews_retention_score": 0.536626295146,
            "nurture_lock_date": null,
            "items": [
                    "renewal_sku": "596F1-006845-L846",
                    "description": "AutoCAD Inventor LT Suite",
                    "serial_number": "569-44774488",
                    "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
                    "subscription_end_date": "2021-06-14",
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "seats": 1,
                    "pack_size": 1,
                    "pur_price": {
                        "dkk": 5300,
                        "eur": 580,
                        "nok": 7300,
                        "sek": 7200
                    "srp_price": {
                        "dkk": 5300,
                        "eur": 580,
                        "nok": 7300,
                        "sek": 7200
                    "total_pur_price": {
                        "dkk": 5300,
                        "eur": 580,
                        "nok": 7300,
                        "sek": 7200
                    "total_srp_price": {
                        "dkk": 5300,
                        "eur": 580,
                        "nok": 7300,
                        "sek": 7200
                    "activation_type": "SIGN_ON"
            "pur_price": {
                "dkk": 5300,
                "eur": 580,
                "nok": 7300,
                "sek": 7200
            "srp_price": {
                "dkk": 5300,
                "eur": 580,
                "nok": 7300,
                "sek": 7200
            "total_quantity": 1,
            "total_seats": 1,
            "last_updated": "2019-03-15:00:00.000Z"

This endpoint retrieves all contracts.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/contracts/

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 After filter & sort, how many records should be skipped
limit 25 After filter, sort & offset how many records should be returned
sort - Specify an optional sorting
filter - Specify an optional filter

Retrive a Contract

Get specific Contract with id 110003114019

curl "https://{server}/api/2/contracts/110003114019/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "contract_number": "110003114019",
    "contract_start_date": "2020-06-15",
    "contract_end_date": "2021-06-14",
    "contract_term": 12,
    "contract_renewal_counter": 0,
    "contract_type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
    "customer_csn": "5139757185",
    "customer_name": "Arctic Mineparts AB",
    "account_segment": "TERRITORY",
    "account_admin_email": "",
    "account_admin_name": "Admin Name",
    "account_manager_email": "",
    "account_manager_name": "Manager Name",
    "customer_country": "Sweden",
    "contract_manager_email": "",
    "contract_manager_first_name": "Viktor",
    "contract_manager_last_name": "Mäkelä",
    "contract_manager_phone": "+46722483990",
    "reseller_csn": "5070000000",
    "reseller_name": "Reseller Name",
    "reseller_site_id": "99999",
    "reseller_site_name": "Reseller Site",
    "notes": null,
    "distributor_csn": "5070267085",
    "distributor_name": "Future Group Oy",
    "ews_retention_risk_band": "HIGH",
    "ews_retention_score": 0.536626295146,
    "nurture_lock_date": null,
    "items": [{
        "renewal_sku": "596F1-006845-L846",
        "description": "AutoCAD Inventor LT Suite",
        "serial_number": "569-44774488",
        "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
        "subscription_end_date": "2021-06-14",
        "quantity": 1,
        "seats": 1,
        "pack_size": 1,
        "pur_price": {
            "dkk": 5300,
            "eur": 580,
            "nok": 7300,
            "sek": 7200
        "srp_price": {
            "dkk": 5300,
            "eur": 580,
            "nok": 7300,
            "sek": 7200
        "total_pur_price": {
            "dkk": 5300,
            "eur": 580,
            "nok": 7300,
            "sek": 7200
        "total_srp_price": {
            "dkk": 5300,
            "eur": 580,
            "nok": 7300,
            "sek": 7200
        "activation_type": "SIGN_ON"
    "pur_price": {
        "dkk": 5300,
        "eur": 580,
        "nok": 7300,
        "sek": 7200
    "srp_price": {
        "dkk": 5300,
        "eur": 580,
        "nok": 7300,
        "sek": 7200
    "total_quantity": 1,
    "total_seats": 1,
    "last_updated": "2019-03-15:00:00.000Z"

This endpoint retrieves a specific contract.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/contracts/:id/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the contract to retrieve

Download All Contracts

Get all Contracts as a raw list

curl "https://{server}/api/2/contracts/-dump/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

A fast way to download full data set. Bypasses filtering, sorting and pagination.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/contracts/-dump/



GET /api/2/subscriptions/
GET /api/2/subscriptions/:id/
GET /api/2/subscriptions/-dump/

Subscription represents Autodesk commercial subscriptions. This includes Flex, Premium & Maintenance (end of life). Subscriptions may disappear after expire date, transfer, switch, or trade. Subscriptions are created by transactions/orders such as initial or add_product.Subscriptions can be altered by transactions/orders such as renewal or add_seat.

The Subscription Object

Attribute Type Description
serial_number string A Serial Number representing the Subscription
id string Unique Identifier same as Serial Number
object string Object name subscription
status string Value of Subscription Status
start_date string Subscription start date.
end_date string Subscription end date.
opportunity_number string Autodesk Opportunity number
contract_number string Autodesk Contract #
contract_start_date string When contract was started
contract_end_date string When contract will expire unless renewed
contract_term integer Length of contract in months
contract_type string Contract Type
customer_csn string End Customer Autodesk CSN
customer_name string Name of End Customer
customer_country string Country of End Customer
account_segment string Account Segment of End Customer
activation_type string Activation Type for Subscription
contract_manager_email string Email of Contract Manager
contract_manager_first_name string First name of Contract Manager
contract_manager_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager
contract_manager_phone string Phone of Contract Manager
deployment string Deployment for Subscription
distributor_csn string Distributor Autodesk CSN
distributor_name string Name of Distributor
reseller_csn string Reseller Autodesk CSN
reseller_name string Name of Reseller
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site id
reseller_site_name string Reseller sub site name
ews_retention_risk_band string EWS retention score. Retiring field, do not used
ews_retention_score decimal EWS score between 0 and 1. Retiring field, do not use.
nurture_lock_date string Date when nurturing reseller will be determined.
nurture_reseller string Nurture Reseller
parent_csn string End Customer Parent Autodesk CSN
parent_name string Name of End Customers Parent Account
premium_eligible bool Whether product elgible for premium subscription
primary_admin_email string Email of Primary Team Admin
primary_admin_first_name string First name of Primary Team Admin
primary_admin_last_name string Last name of Primary Team Admin
team_id string Autodesk Team ID
team_name string Name of Team, set by End Customer
product_line_code string Autodesk Product Line Code
short_product_line_desc string Description of Product Line
renewal_sku string Offers a link to product to determine options & prices.
description string Description of product
pur_price object Purchase Price object
srp_price object SRP, Price object
total_pur_price object Total Purchase Price object
total_srp_price object Total SRP, Price object
account_manager_email string Email of Account Manager
account_manager_name string Name of Account Manager
account_admin_email string Email of Account Admin
account_admin_name string Name of Account Admin
quantity integer Number of items
seats integer Number of seats
last_updated string Date Time when object was last changed.

List Subscriptions

List Subscriptions

curl "https://{server}/api/2/subscriptions/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "count": 1,
    "items": [
            "account_admin_email": "",
            "account_admin_name": "Admin Name",
            "account_manager_email": "",
            "account_manager_name": "Manager Name",
            "serial_number": "565-86309682",
            "id": "565-86309682",
            "object": "subscription",
            "status": "EXPIRED",
            "start_date": "2019-03-05",
            "end_date": "2019-05-15",
            "opportunity_number": "A-14603962",
            "contract_number": "110002179985",
            "contract_start_date": "2018-05-16",
            "contract_end_date": "2019-05-15",
            "contract_term": 12,
            "contract_type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
            "customer_csn": "5100067300",
            "customer_name": "Customer Name",
            "account_segment": "TERRITORY",
            "activation_type": "SIGN_ON",
            "customer_country": "United Kingdom",
            "contract_manager_email": "",
            "contract_manager_first_name": "John",
            "contract_manager_last_name": "Doe",
            "contract_manager_phone": "+02894566",
            "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
            "distributor_csn": "5070267085",
            "distributor_name": "Future Group Oy",
            "last_updated": "2022-04-28T12:21:54.452Z",
            "reseller_csn": "5070141000",
            "reseller_name": "Reseller Solutions",
            "reseller_site_id": "50123",
            "reseller_site_name": "Reseller Site",
            "ews_retention_risk_band": "HIGH",
            "ews_retention_score": 0.503683634363,
            "nurture_lock_date": "2019-02-14",
            "nurture_reseller": "NA",
            "parent_csn": "5129194200",
            "parent_name": "PARENT Co",
            "premium_eligible": false,
            "primary_admin_email": "",
            "primary_admin_first_name": "Primary",
            "primary_admin_last_name": "Admin",
            "team_id": "18100500",
            "team_name": "Team Name",
            "product_line_code": "ACDLT",
            "short_product_line_desc": "AutoCAD LT",
            "renewal_sku": "057I1-006845-L846",
            "description": "AutoCAD LT",
            "pur_price": {
                "eur": 400,
            "srp_price": {
                "eur": 405,
            "total_pur_price": {
                "eur": 400,
            "total_srp_price": {
                "eur": 405,
            "quantity": 1,
            "seats": 1

This endpoint retrieves all subscriptions.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/subscriptions/

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 After filter & sort, how many records should be skipped
limit 25 After filter, sort & offset how many records should be returned.
sort - Specify an optional sorting
filter - Specify an optional filter

Retrive a Subscription

Get a subscriptions based on ID

curl "https://{server}/api/2/subscriptions/565-86309682/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "account_admin_email": "",
    "account_admin_name": "Admin Name",
    "account_manager_email": "",
    "account_manager_name": "Manager Name",
    "serial_number": "565-86309682",
    "id": "565-86309682",
    "object": "subscription",
    "status": "EXPIRED",
    "start_date": "2019-03-05",
    "end_date": "2019-05-15",
    "opportunity_number": "A-14603962",
    "contract_number": "110002179985",
    "contract_start_date": "2018-05-16",
    "contract_end_date": "2019-05-15",
    "contract_term": 12,
    "contract_type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
    "customer_csn": "5100067300",
    "customer_name": "Customer Name",
    "account_segment": "TERRITORY",
    "activation_type": "SIGN_ON",
    "customer_country": "United Kingdom",
    "contract_manager_email": "",
    "contract_manager_first_name": "John",
    "contract_manager_last_name": "Doe",
    "contract_manager_phone": "+02894566",
    "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
    "distributor_csn": "5070267085",
    "distributor_name": "Future Group Oy",
    "last_updated": "2022-04-28T12:21:54.452Z",
    "reseller_csn": "5070141000",
    "reseller_name": "Reseller Solutions",
    "reseller_site_id": "50123",
    "reseller_site_name": "Reseller Site",
    "ews_retention_risk_band": "HIGH",
    "ews_retention_score": 0.503683634363,
    "nurture_lock_date": "2019-02-14",
    "nurture_reseller": "NA",
    "parent_csn": "5129194200",
    "parent_name": "PARENT Co",
    "premium_eligible": false,
    "primary_admin_email": "",
    "primary_admin_first_name": "Primary",
    "primary_admin_last_name": "Admin",
    "team_id": "18100500",
    "team_name": "Team Name",
    "product_line_code": "ACDLT",
    "short_product_line_desc": "AutoCAD LT",
    "renewal_sku": "057I1-006845-L846",
    "description": "AutoCAD LT",
    "pur_price": {
        "eur": 400,
    "srp_price": {
        "eur": 405,
    "total_pur_price": {
        "eur": 400,
    "total_srp_price": {
        "eur": 405,
    "quantity": 1,
    "seats": 1

This endpoint retrieves a specific subscription.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/subscriptions/:id/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the subscription to retrieve

Download All Subscriptions

Get all Subscriptions as a raw list

curl "https://{server}/api/2/subscriptions/-dump/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

A fast way to download full data set. Bypasses filtering, sorting and pagination.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/subscriptions/-dump/



GET /api/2/teams/
GET /api/2/teams/:id/
GET /api/2/teams/-dump/

A team has one Primary Team admin who may administrate one or several teams. A team may contain many Subscriptions, from different Contracts and Accounts.

The Team Object

Attribute Type Description
id string Unique Identifier
object string Object name team
name string Team Name
account_admin_email string Email of Account Admin
account_admin_name string Name of Account Admin
account_manager_email string Email of Account Manager
account_manager_name string Name of Account Manager
parent_csn string Parent of account Autodesk CSN
parent_name string Name of Parent
primary_admin_email string Email of Primary Team Admin
primary_admin_first_name string First name of Primary Team Admin
primary_admin_last_name string Last name of Primary Team Admin
flex_additional_tokens number Tokens not supplied
flex_consumption_history array Array of token consumption per day
flex_consumption_rate_30 number Average tokens used per day, last 30 days
flex_is_last_supplier bool true if last Flex was supplied
flex_latest_end_date string End Date of latest flex subscription
flex_projected_days integer Numbers of days until projected end date
flex_projected_end_date string Date when tokens are estimated to run out. May be null
flex_purchased_tokens number Amount supplied Flex tokens
flex_start_date string Start Date of Flex subscription.
flex_tokens_balance number Current Flex token balance.
flex_tokens_consumption number Amount of consumed Flex tokens.
flex_total_tokens number Amount of purchased Flex tokens.
premium_delta number True up seat count
premium_eligible_seats number Number of the seats are elgible for premium subscription
premium_seats number Number of premium seats
product_seats number Number of product seats
seats string Number of seats
last_updated string Date Time when object was last changed.
latest_end_date string Date of latest end date subscription in team. (useful?)

List Teams

List Teams

curl "https://{server}/api/2/teams/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "count": 1,
    "items": [
            "account_admin_email": "",
            "account_admin_name": "Admin Name",
            "account_manager_email": "",
            "account_manager_name": "Manager Name",
            "flex_additional_tokens": 0,
            "flex_consumption_history": null,
            "flex_consumption_rate_30": 0,
            "flex_is_last_supplier": false,
            "flex_latest_end_date": null,
            "flex_projected_days": null,
            "flex_projected_end_date": null,
            "flex_purchased_tokens": 0,
            "flex_start_date": null,
            "flex_tokens_balance": 0,
            "flex_tokens_consumption": 0,
            "flex_total_tokens": 0,
            "id": "999999",
            "object": "team",
            "last_updated": "2022-08-23T04:03:00.338Z",
            "latest_end_date": null,
            "name": "Team Name - 1111",
            "parent_csn": "0000000000",
            "parent_name": "Parent Account Name",
            "premium_delta": 0,
            "premium_eligible_seats": 0,
            "premium_seats": 0,
            "primary_admin_email": "",
            "primary_admin_first_name": "Admin First Name",
            "primary_admin_last_name": "Admin Last Name",
            "product_seats": 1,
            "seats": 1

This endpoint retrieves all accounts.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/teams/

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 After filter & sort, how many records should be skipped
limit 25 After filter, sort & offset how many records should be returned.
sort - Specify an optional sorting
filter - Specify an optional filter

Retrive a Team

Get a Team based on it's identifier

curl "https://{server}/api/2/teams/999999/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "account_admin_email": "",
    "account_admin_name": "Admin Name",
    "account_manager_email": "",
    "account_manager_name": "Manager Name",
    "flex_additional_tokens": 0,
    "flex_consumption_history": null,
    "flex_consumption_rate_30": 0,
    "flex_is_last_supplier": false,
    "flex_latest_end_date": null,
    "flex_projected_days": null,
    "flex_projected_end_date": null,
    "flex_purchased_tokens": 0,
    "flex_start_date": null,
    "flex_tokens_balance": 0,
    "flex_tokens_consumption": 0,
    "flex_total_tokens": 0,
    "id": "999999",
    "object": "team",
    "last_updated": "2022-08-23T04:03:00.338Z",
    "latest_end_date": null,
    "name": "Team Name - 1111",
    "parent_csn": "0000000000",
    "parent_name": "Parent Account Name",
    "premium_delta": 0,
    "premium_eligible_seats": 0,
    "premium_seats": 0,
    "primary_admin_email": "",
    "primary_admin_first_name": "Admin First Name",
    "primary_admin_last_name": "Admin Last Name",
    "product_seats": 1,
    "seats": 1

This endpoint retrieves a specific account.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/teams/:id/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the Team to retrieve

Download All Teams

Get all Teams as a raw list

curl "https://{server}/api/2/teams/-dump/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

A fast way to download full data set. Bypasses filtering, sorting and pagination.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/teams/-dump/



GET /api/2/articles/
GET /api/2/articles/:id/

Article represents something that can be ordered (SKU / Item). An article comes complete with fields that describes when and how the article can be used, and how Autodesk attaches various classifiers. An article acts as a transition between subscription, order/transaction, and analytics. Some articles are not possible to order at a given time, for instance, outside opportunity window, retired end date, or date out of scope for a limited promotion. Article can yield a deeper understanding of customer assets and to explore available options for transactions or uplifting the business. Promo articles have a limited window of validity to make transactions/orders, defined by a unique article with a short range of days defined by a start and end date.

The Article Object

Attribute Type Description
sku string SKU Unique Identifier for this Article
autodesk_material_description string Autodesk full description of Article
short_description string Short description of Article
full_description string Long description of Article
product_line_code string Value of Autodesk Product Line Code
product_line_desc string Description of Product Line
earnback_type string
support_type string Value of Support Type
deployment string Value of Deployment
contract_type string Contract Type
pack_size integer Number of seats per quantity
material_type string Value of Material Type
material_group string Value of Material Group
product_group string Value of Product Group
discount_classification string Autodesk framework classification, affects margins
language string deprecated, always null
media string Media of product, historic field
operating_system string Value of Operating System
product_status string Value of Product Status
product_sub_cat string Autodesk classifier
start_date string Start Date is first day SKU can be ordered
end_date string End Date is last day SKU can be ordered
product_release string Product Release description
contract_term integer Length of contract in months
promo_name string Name of promo, null equals not a promo
product_type string Autodesk Product Type
product_division string Value of Autodesk Product Division
supported_order_types array An list of Order Types which Article can be used for
links array Array of Article Links, useful for construting quote and order
icon_group string How we connect icon to product.
product_rewards_category string Autodesk Framework - Product Reward Category
minimum_purchase_requirement bool Autodesk Framework - Minimum Purchase Requirement
access_group string Autodesk Framework - Access Group
ppi_eligibility bool Autodesk Framework - PPI
pvi_eligibility bool Autodesk Framework - PVI
rpi_eligibility bool Autodesk Framework - RPI
premium_eligible_product_line bool Can premium subscription be attached to this Product Line
premium_eligible_sku bool Can premium subscription be attached to this Article
pur_price object Value of Purchase Price object
srp_price object Value of SRP Price object
last_updated string Date Time when object was last changed.

Article Links

Article Links gives the ability to view options one has. If a Subscription X has renewal_sku that points to Product Y, we can then check the Product Links of Y to determine our options. E.g. This way one can determine what SKU to use to add a seat to an existing subscription.

Attribute Type Description
sku string SKU for linked Article
order_type string Value of Order Type. Type that is available for this Article
product_line_desc string Description of Product Line
short_description string Short description of Article
deployment string Value of Deployment
contract_term integer Length of contract in months
pack_size integer Number of seats per quantity
pur_price object Value of Purchase Price object
srp_price object Value of SRP Price object

List Articles

List Articles

curl "https://{server}/api/2/articles/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "count": 1,
    "items": [
            "access_group": "Primary",
            "autodesk_material_description": "3ds Max 2023 Commercial New Single-user ELD Annual Subscription",
            "contract_term": 12,
            "contract_type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
            "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
            "discount_classification": "CAT-D - TYPE11",
            "earnback_type": "PPI",
            "end_date": null,
            "full_description": "3ds Max 2023 Single - Annual Subscription",
            "icon_group": "3DS",
            "language": null,
            "last_updated": "2022-09-06T19:29:32.526Z",
            "links": [
                    "order_type": "RENEWAL",
                    "sku": "128F1-001355-L890",
                    "product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
                    "short_description": "3ds Max Single",
                    "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
                    "contract_term": 12,
                    "pack_size": 1,
                    "pur_price": {
                        "eur": 1750
                    "srp_price": {
                        "dkk": 15000,
                        "eur": 1750,
                        "nok": 15000,
                        "sek": 15000
                    "order_type": "ADD_SEAT",
                    "sku": "128O1-WW3740-L562",
                    "product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
                    "short_description": "3ds Max 2023 Single",
                    "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
                    "contract_term": 12,
                    "pack_size": 1,
                    "pur_price": {
                        "eur": 1750
                    "srp_price": {
                        "dkk": 15000,
                        "eur": 1750,
                        "nok": 15000,
                        "sek": 15000
                    "order_type": "INITIAL",
                    "sku": "128O1-WW3740-L562",
                    "product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
                    "short_description": "3ds Max 2023 Single",
                    "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
                    "contract_term": 12,
                    "pack_size": 1,
                    "pur_price": {
                        "eur": 1750
                    "srp_price": {
                        "dkk": 15000,
                        "eur": 1750,
                        "nok": 15000,
                        "sek": 15000
            "material_group": "SUBSCRIPTION",
            "material_type": "NEW",
            "media": "ELD",
            "minimum_purchase_requirement": true,
            "operating_system": "WIN",
            "pack_size": 1,
            "ppi_eligibility": true,
            "premium_eligible_product_line": true,
            "premium_eligible_sku": true,
            "product_division": "ME",
            "product_group": "ME",
            "product_line_code": "3DSMAX",
            "product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
            "product_release": "2023",
            "product_rewards_category": "Vertical",
            "product_status": "ACTIVE",
            "product_sub_cat": "D-COMTNA",
            "product_type": "STANDALONE",
            "promo_name": null,
            "pvi_eligibility": false,
            "rpi_eligibility": true,
            "short_description": "3ds Max 2023 Single",
            "short_product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
            "sku": "128O1-WW3740-L562",
            "pur_price": {
                "eur": 1750
            "srp_price": {
                "dkk": 15000,
                "eur": 1750,
                "nok": 15000,
                "sek": 15000
            "start_date": null,
            "support_type": "ADVANCED",
            "supported_order_types": [

This endpoint retrieves all products.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/articles/

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 After filter & sort, how many records should be skipped
limit 25 After filter, sort & offset how many records should be returned.
sort - Specify an optional sorting
filter - Specify an optional filter

Retrive a Article

Get a Article based on SKU

curl "https://{server}/api/2/articles/128O1-WW3740-L562/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "access_group": "Primary",
    "autodesk_material_description": "3ds Max 2023 Commercial New Single-user ELD Annual Subscription",
    "contract_term": 12,
    "contract_type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
    "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
    "discount_classification": "CAT-D - TYPE11",
    "earnback_type": "PPI",
    "end_date": null,
    "full_description": "3ds Max 2023 Single - Annual Subscription",
    "icon_group": "3DS",
    "language": null,
    "last_updated": "2022-09-06T19:29:32.526Z",
    "links": [
            "order_type": "RENEWAL",
            "sku": "128F1-001355-L890",
            "product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
            "short_description": "3ds Max Single",
            "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
            "contract_term": 12,
            "pack_size": 1,
            "pur_price": {
                "eur": 1750
            "srp_price": {
                "dkk": 15000,
                "eur": 1750,
                "nok": 15000,
                "sek": 15000
            "order_type": "ADD_SEAT",
            "sku": "128O1-WW3740-L562",
            "product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
            "short_description": "3ds Max 2023 Single",
            "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
            "contract_term": 12,
            "pack_size": 1,
            "pur_price": {
                "eur": 1750
            "srp_price": {
                "dkk": 15000,
                "eur": 1750,
                "nok": 15000,
                "sek": 15000
            "order_type": "INITIAL",
            "sku": "128O1-WW3740-L562",
            "product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
            "short_description": "3ds Max 2023 Single",
            "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
            "contract_term": 12,
            "pack_size": 1,
            "pur_price": {
                "eur": 1750
            "srp_price": {
                "dkk": 15000,
                "eur": 1750,
                "nok": 15000,
                "sek": 15000
    "material_group": "SUBSCRIPTION",
    "material_type": "NEW",
    "media": "ELD",
    "minimum_purchase_requirement": true,
    "operating_system": "WIN",
    "pack_size": 1,
    "ppi_eligibility": true,
    "premium_eligible_product_line": true,
    "premium_eligible_sku": true,
    "product_division": "ME",
    "product_group": "ME",
    "product_line_code": "3DSMAX",
    "product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
    "product_release": "2023",
    "product_rewards_category": "Vertical",
    "product_status": "ACTIVE",
    "product_sub_cat": "D-COMTNA",
    "product_type": "STANDALONE",
    "promo_name": null,
    "pvi_eligibility": false,
    "rpi_eligibility": true,
    "short_description": "3ds Max 2023 Single",
    "short_product_line_desc": "3ds Max",
    "sku": "128O1-WW3740-L562",
    "pur_price": {
        "eur": 1750
    "srp_price": {
        "dkk": 15000,
        "eur": 1750,
        "nok": 15000,
        "sek": 15000
    "start_date": null,
    "support_type": "ADVANCED",
    "supported_order_types": [

This endpoint retrieves a specific product.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/articles/:id/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the product to retrieve

Download All Articles

Get all Articles as a raw list

curl "https://{server}/api/2/articles/-dump/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

A fast way to download full data set. Bypasses filtering, sorting and pagination.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/articles/-dump/



GET /api/2/transactions/
GET /api/2/transactions/:id/
GET /api/2/transactions/-dump/

A transaction/order placed directly to Autodesk, and/or one of Autodesk’s distributors.

The Transaction Object

Attribute Type Description
id string Unique Identifier
creation_date string Date/Time when Transaction was created
status string Value of Transaction Status
order_type string Value of Order Type
reseller_csn string Reseller Autodesk CSN
reseller_name string Name of Reseller
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site
reseller_site_name string Reseller sub site name
currency string Currency of Transaction
customer_csn string End Customer Autodesk CSN
customer_name string Name of End Customer
customer_address_line1 string Address Line 1 of End Customer
customer_address_line2 string Address Line 2 of End Customer
customer_address_line3 string Address Line 3 of End Customer
customer_city string City of End Customer
customer_postal string Postal of End Customer
customer_country string Country of End Customer
contact_email string Email of Contract Manager
contact_first_name string First name of Contract Manager
contract_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager
contact_phone string Phone of Contract Manager
opportunity_number string Id of Opportunity that is associated to this Transaction. May be null
contract_number_ string Id of Contract that is associated to this Transaction. May be null
contract_end_date string Contract end date
contract_start_date string When contract was started
contract_term integer Length of contract in months
partial_renewal bool Indicates if Transaction is partial
quantity integer Total number of items in Transaction
ad_sales_order_number integer Autodesk Sales Order Number
account_admin_email string Email of Account Admin
account_admin_name string Name of Account Admin
user_id string User ID of the user or API-Key, that created Transaction
delivery_date string Delivery Date for Transaction
purchase_order_number string Reference order number set by a Reseller
pur_price object Value of Purchase Price object
items array Array of Transaction Items

Transaction Items

Transaction row

Attribute Type Description
sku string Autodesk SKU for Article
description string Description of Article
nuture_reseller_flag boolean Nuture Reseller Flag
deployment string Value of Deployment
quantity integer Number of items
seats integer Number of seats
pack_size integer Number of seats per quantity
serial_number string Unique Serial Number for this Transaction row
pur_price object Value of Purchase Price object
seats integer Number of seats

List Transactions

List Transactions

curl "https://{server}/api/2/transactions/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "count": 1,
    "items": [
            "id": "t2-11111111111",
            "creation_date": "2022-09-13",
            "status": "PROCESSING",
            "autodesk_order_number": null,
            "order_type": "MULTI_USER_TRADE_IN",
            "reseller_csn": "1111111111",
            "reseller_name": "Reseller Inc",
            "account_admin_email": null,
            "account_admin_name": null,
            "reseller_site_id": "000000",
            "reseller_site_name": "Reseller Site Name",
            "currency": "eur",
            "customer_csn": "2222222222",
            "customer_name": "Customer Inc",
            "customer_address_line1": "Customer Address 1",
            "customer_address_line2": null,
            "customer_address_line3": null,
            "customer_city": "Customer City",
            "customer_postal": "100 00",
            "customer_country": "Customer Country",
            "contact_first_name": "Contact First Name",
            "contact_last_name": "Contact Last Name",
            "contact_email": "",
            "contact_language": null,
            "contact_country_code": null,
            "opportunity_number": "A-00000000",
            "partial_renewal": false,
            "contract_number": "000000000000",
            "contract_end_date": "2022-10-19",
            "contract_start_date": "2016-10-20",
            "contract_term": 36,
            "quantity": 2,
            "items": [
                    "sku": "657O1-WW6C76-L404",
                    "description": "SMU 2:1 Maya 2023 Single - 3-Year Subscription",
                    "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "pack_size": 1,
                    "seats": 2,
                    "serial_number": "000-00000000",
                    "pur_price": {
                        "eur": 0.0
                    "prorate": 1
            "user_id": "",
            "delivery_date": "2022-10-13",
            "purchase_order_number": "1000",
            "pur_price": {
                "eur": 0.0
            "seats": 2,
            "last_updated": "2022-09-13T08:35:41.592Z",
            "status_messsage": "",
            "fg_order_number": 10000000,
            "sales_employee_name": "Sales Employee Name"

This endpoint retrieves all subscriptions.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/transactions/

Query Parameters

Parameter Default Description
offset 0 After filter & sort, how many records should be skipped
limit 25 After filter, sort & offset how many records should be returned.
sort - Specify an optional sorting
filter - Specify an optional filter

Retrive a Transaction

Get a Transactions based on ID

curl "https://{server}/api/2/transactions/t1-1000000000/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "count": 1,
    "items": [
            "id": "t2-11111111111",
            "creation_date": "2022-09-13",
            "status": "PROCESSING",
            "autodesk_order_number": null,
            "order_type": "MULTI_USER_TRADE_IN",
            "reseller_csn": "1111111111",
            "reseller_name": "Reseller Inc",
            "account_admin_email": null,
            "account_admin_name": null,
            "reseller_site_id": "000000",
            "reseller_site_name": "Reseller Site Name",
            "currency": "eur",
            "customer_csn": "2222222222",
            "customer_name": "Customer Inc",
            "customer_address_line1": "Customer Address 1",
            "customer_address_line2": null,
            "customer_address_line3": null,
            "customer_city": "Customer City",
            "customer_postal": "100 00",
            "customer_country": "Customer Country",
            "contact_first_name": "Contact First Name",
            "contact_last_name": "Contact Last Name",
            "contact_email": "",
            "contact_language": null,
            "contact_country_code": null,
            "opportunity_number": "A-00000000",
            "partial_renewal": false,
            "contract_number": "000000000000",
            "contract_end_date": "2022-10-19",
            "contract_start_date": "2016-10-20",
            "contract_term": 36,
            "quantity": 2,
            "items": [
                    "sku": "657O1-WW6C76-L404",
                    "description": "SMU 2:1 Maya 2023 Single - 3-Year Subscription",
                    "deployment": "SINGLE_USER",
                    "quantity": 2,
                    "pack_size": 1,
                    "seats": 2,
                    "serial_number": "000-00000000",
                    "pur_price": {
                        "eur": 0.0
                    "prorate": 1
            "user_id": "",
            "delivery_date": "2022-10-13",
            "purchase_order_number": "1000",
            "pur_price": {
                "eur": 0.0
            "seats": 2,
            "last_updated": "2022-09-13T08:35:41.592Z",
            "status_messsage": "",
            "fg_order_number": 10000000,
            "sales_employee_name": "Sales Employee Name"

This endpoint retrieves a specific Transaction.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/transactions/:id/

URL Parameters

Parameter Description
id The ID of the Transaction to retrieve

Download All Transactions

Get all Transactions as a raw list

curl "https://{server}/api/2/transactions/-dump/" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}"

A fast way to download full data set. Bypasses filtering, sorting and pagination.

HTTP Request

GET /api/2/transactions/-dump/

Placing Orders


POST /api/2/transaction/

Handles transaction/order creation and managing orders that are eligible for renewal. You are able to add_seats and add_products to existing, active, agreement or renew and agreement that is expiring – partially or in full.

Currently, there are 7 different order types supported by the system. These are ADD_PRODUCT, ADD_SEAT, EXTEND, MULTI_USER_TRADE_IN, INITIAL, RENEWAL, and S2S. As Autodesk is changing business model, order types may be retired, and new ones may appear like Flex or quoting in an agency model.


Create a new ADD_PRODUCT Order, which add a Product to an existing Contract.

Create a new Add-Product Order

curl -X POST https://{server}/api/2/transactions/?type=ADD_PRODUCT \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{ \
            "contract_number":"110001517717", \
            "reseller_site_id":"50175", \
            "distributor_csn":"5070267085", \
            "contact_first_name":"Contact First Name", \
            "contact_last_name":"Contact Last Name", \
            "contact_email":"", \
            "contract_start_date":"2019-03-15", \
            "delivery_date":"2019-03-15", \
            "purchase_order_number":"Reseller Order Number", \
            "items":[ \
                { \
                    "sku":"128M1-WW6542-L618", \
                    "price": 147, \
                    "quantity":1 \
                } \
            ], \

Add-Product Order Payload

Attribute Type Description
delivery_date string Delivery Date for Transaction
contract_number string Id of Contract to add product to
contract_start_date string optional Start Date for Contract
purchase_order_number string Reference order number set by Reseller, a value between 1-35 characters
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site, a value between 1-35 characters
distributor_csn string optional CSN of where the order should be processed. Use own csn for direct order.
account_admin_email string optional Email of Account Admin
contact_first_name string First name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_email string Email of Contract Manager
contact_language string optional Laungage code of Contract Manager. Valid values are EN, PT, CS, ES, FR, HU, IT, PL and RU
contact_country_code string optional A valid ISO 3166 Country Code for Contract Manager. Two characters
items array Array of Add-Product Order Item

Add-Product Order Item

Attribute Type Description
sku string Autodesk SKU for Article that is ordered, a value between 1-35 characters
quantity integer Number of Articles to buy, a value between 1-1000
price integer Total price which equals price of sku times quantity. This attribute is for confirmation only.


Create a new ADD_SEAT transaction/order, which add seats to an existing Subscription.

Create a new Add-Seat Order

curl -X POST https://{server}/api/2/transactions/?type=ADD_SEAT \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{ \
            "contract_number":"110001517717", \
            "reseller_site_id":"50175", \
            "contact_first_name":"Contact First Name", \
            "contact_last_name":"Contact Last Name", \
            "contact_email":"", \
            "delivery_date":"2019-03-15", \
            "purchase_order_number":"Reseller Order Number", \
            "items":[ \
                { \
                    "sku": "797M1-WW6542-L618", \
                    "price": 338.61, \
                    "quantity": 2, \
                    "serial_number": "562-10433296" \
                } \
            ], \

Add-Seats Order Payload

Attribute Type Description
delivery_date string Delivery Date for Transaction
contract_number string Id of Contract to add seats to
purchase_order_number string Reference order number set by Reseller, a value between 1-35 characters
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site, a value between 1-35 characters
distributor_csn string optional CSN of where the order should be processed. Use own csn for direct order.
account_admin_email string optional Email of Account Admin
contact_first_name string First name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_email string Email of Contract Manager
contact_language string optional Laungage code of Contract Manager. Valid values are EN, PT, CS, ES, FR, HU, IT, PL and RU
contact_country_code string optional A valid ISO 3166 Country Code for Contract Manager. Two characters
items array Array of Add-Seat Order Item

Add-Seat Order Item

Attribute Type Description
sku string Autodesk SKU for Article that is ordered, a value between 1-35 characters
quantity integer Number of Articles to buy, a value between 1-1000
price integer Total price which equals price of sku times quantity. This attribute is for confirmation only.
serial_number string Serial Number of the Subscription that seats should be increased.


Create a new EXTEND transaction/order, which will extend contract to a new end date. Autodesk compliance require the new end date to align with an existing Contract of the end customer account.

Create a new Extend Order

curl -X POST https://{server}/api/2/transactions/?type=EXTEND \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{ \
            "contract_number":"110001517717", \
            "reseller_site_id":"50175", \
            "contact_first_name":"Contact First Name", \
            "contact_last_name":"Contact Last Name", \
            "contact_email":"", \
            "contract_end_date":"2020-12-16", \
            "delivery_date":"2019-03-15", \
            "purchase_order_number":"Reseller Order Number", \
            "items":[ \
                { \
                    "sku": "797M1-WW6542-L618", \
                    "price": 338.61, \
                    "quantity": 1, \
                    "serial_number": "562-10433296" \
                } \
            ], \

Extend Order Payload

Attribute Type Description
delivery_date string Delivery Date for Transaction
contract_number string Id of Contract to align
contract_end_date string New End Date for Contract
purchase_order_number string Reference order number set by Reseller, a value between 1-35 characters
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site, a value between 1-35 characters
distributor_csn string optional CSN of where the order should be processed. Use own csn for direct order.
account_admin_email string optional Email of Account Admin
contact_first_name string First name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_email string Email of Contract Manager
contact_language string optional Laungage code of Contract Manager. Valid values are EN, PT, CS, ES, FR, HU, IT, PL and RU
contact_country_code string optional A valid ISO 3166 Country Code for Contract Manager. Two characters
items array Array of Extend Order Item

Extend Order Item

Attribute Type Description
sku string Autodesk SKU for Article that is ordered, a value between 1-35 characters
quantity integer Number of Articles to buy, a value between 1-1000
price integer Total price which equals price of sku times quantity. This attribute is for confirmation only.
serial_number string Serial Number of the Subscription that seats should be increased.

Multi-User Trade-in

Create a new MULTI_USER_TRADE_IN transaction/order, which trades multi-user Subscriptions to single-user.

Create a new Multi-User Trade In Order

curl -X POST https://{server}/api/2/transactions/?type=MULTI_USER_TRADE_IN \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{ \
            "opportunity_number": "A-12234228", \
            "contract_number":"110001517717", \
            "reseller_site_id":"50175", \
            "contact_first_name":"Contact First Name", \
            "contact_last_name":"Contact Last Name", \
            "contact_email":"", \
            "contract_end_date":"2020-12-16", \
            "delivery_date":"2019-03-15", \
            "purchase_order_number":"Reseller Order Number", \
            "items":[ \
                { \
                    "sku": "797M1-WW6542-L618", \
                    "price": 338.61, \
                    "quantity": 1, \
                    "serial_number": "562-10433296" \
                } \
            ], \

Multi-User Trade-in Order Payload

Attribute Type Description
delivery_date string Delivery Date for Transaction
contract_number string Id of Contract to algin to
contract_end_date string End Date for Contract
purchase_order_number string Reference order number set by Reseller, a value between 1-35 characters
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site, a value between 1-35 characters
distributor_csn string optional CSN of where the order should be processed. Use own csn for direct order.
account_admin_email string optional Email of Account Admin
opportunity_number string Opportunity Number
contact_first_name string First name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_email string Email of Contract Manager
contact_language string optional Laungage code of Contract Manager. Valid values are EN, PT, CS, ES, FR, HU, IT, PL and RU
contact_country_code string optional A valid ISO 3166 Country Code for Contract Manager. Two characters
items array Array of Multi-User Trade-in Order Item

Multi-User Trade-in Order Item

Attribute Type Description
sku string Autodesk SKU for Article that is ordered, a value between 1-35 characters
quantity integer Number of Articles to buy, a value between 1-1000
price integer Total price which equals price of sku times quantity. This attribute is for confirmation only.
serial_number string Serial Number of the Subscription that seats should be increased.

Initial Order

Create a new INITIAL transaction/order which will generate a new contract.

Create a new Initial Order

curl -X POST https://{server}/api/2/transactions/?type=INITIAL \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{ \
            "reseller_site_id":"50192", \
            "customer_csn":"5130232288", \
            "customer_name":"Customer Inc", \
            "customer_address_line1":"Customer Address Line 1", \
            "customer_address_line2":"Customer Address Line 2", \
            "customer_city":"Customer City", \
            "customer_postal":"100 00", \
            "customer_country":"Customer Contry", \
            "contact_first_name":"Contact First Name", \
            "contact_last_name":"Contact Last Name", \
            "contact_email":"", \
            "contract_start_date":"2019-03-15", \
            "delivery_date":"2019-03-15", \
            "purchase_order_number":"Reseller Order Number", \
            "items":[ \
                { \
                    "sku":"896I1-WW3251-T903", \
                    "price": 47, \
                    "quantity":1 \
                } \
            ], \

Initial Order Payload

Attribute Type Description
delivery_date string Delivery Date for Transaction
contract_start_date string optional Start Date for Contract
purchase_order_number string Reference order number set by Reseller, a value between 1-35 characters
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site, a value between 1-35 characters
distributor_csn string optional CSN of where the order should be processed. Use own csn for direct order.
account_admin_email string optional Email of Account Admin
customer_csn string End Customer Autodesk CSN, must be exactly 10 characters.
customer_name string Name of End Customer, a value between 1-100 characters
customer_address_line1 string Address Line 1 of End Customer, a value between 1-35 characters
customer_address_line2 string Address Line 2 of End Customer, a value between 1-35 characters
customer_address_line3 string Address Line 3 of End Customer, a value between 1-35 characters
customer_city string City of End Customer, a value between 1 and 35 characters
customer_postal string Postal Code of End Customer, a value between 1-35 characters
customer_country string Country of End Customer, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_first_name string First name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_email string Email of Contract Manager
contact_language string optional Laungage code of Contract Manager. Valid values are EN, PT, CS, ES, FR, HU, IT, PL and RU
contact_country_code string optional A valid ISO 3166 Country Code for Contract Manager. Two characters
items array Array of Initial Order Item

Initial Order Item

Attribute Type Description
sku string Autodesk SKU for Article that is ordered, a value between 1-35 characters
quantity integer Number of Articles to buy, a value between 1-1000
price integer Total price which equals price of sku times quantity. This attribute is for confirmation only.


Create a new RENEWAL transaction/order, based on an Opportunity.

Create a new Renewal Order

curl -X POST https://{server}/api/2/transactions/?type=RENEWAL \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{ \
            "opportunity_number": "A-12234228", \
            "reseller_site_id":"50175", \
            "contact_first_name":"Contact First Name", \
            "contact_last_name":"Contact Last Name", \
            "contact_email":"", \
            "delivery_date":"2019-03-15", \
            "purchase_order_number":"Reseller Order Number", \
            "items":[ \
                { \
                    "sku": "797M1-WW6542-L618", \
                    "price": 338.61, \
                    "quantity": 1, \
                    "serial_number": "562-10433296" \
                } \
            ], \

Renewal Order Payload

Attribute Type Description
delivery_date string Delivery Date for Transaction
purchase_order_number string Reference order number set by Reseller, a value between 1-35 characters
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site, a value between 1-35 characters
distributor_csn string optional CSN of where the order should be processed. Use own csn for direct order.
account_admin_email string optional Email of Account Admin
opportunity_number string Opportunity Number
contact_first_name string First name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_email string Email of Contract Manager
contact_language string optional Laungage code of Contract Manager. Valid values are EN, PT, CS, ES, FR, HU, IT, PL and RU
contact_country_code string optional A valid ISO 3166 Country Code for Contract Manager. Two characters
items array Array of Renewal Order Item

Renewal Order Item

Attribute Type Description
sku string Autodesk SKU for Article that is ordered, a value between 1-35 characters
quantity integer Number of Articles to buy, a value between 1-1000
price integer Total price which equals price of sku times quantity. This attribute is for confirmation only.
serial_number string Serial Number of the Subscription that seats should be increased.


Create a new S2S transaction/order

Create a new S2S Order

curl -X POST https://{server}/api/2/transactions/?type=S2S \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {access-token}" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{ \
            "contract_number": "712100014642", \
            "reseller_site_id":"50175", \
            "contact_first_name":"Contact First Name", \
            "contact_last_name":"Contact Last Name", \
            "contact_email":"", \
            "delivery_date":"2019-03-15", \
            "purchase_order_number":"Reseller Order Number", \
            "items":[ \
                { \
                    "sku": "797M1-WW6542-L618", \
                    "price": 338.61, \
                    "quantity": 1, \
                    "serial_number": "562-10433296" \
                } \
            ], \

S2S Order Payload

Attribute Type Description
delivery_date string Delivery Date for Transaction
contract_number string Id of Contract
purchase_order_number string Reference order number set by Reseller, a value between 1-35 characters
reseller_site_id string Reseller sub site, a value between 1-35 characters
distributor_csn string optional CSN of where the order should be processed. Use own csn for direct order.
account_admin_email string optional Email of Account Admin
contact_first_name string First name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_last_name string Last name of Contract Manager, a value between 1-35 characters
contact_email string Email of Contract Manager
contact_language string optional Laungage code of Contract Manager. Valid values are EN, PT, CS, ES, FR, HU, IT, PL and RU
contact_country_code string optional A valid ISO 3166 Country Code for Contract Manager. Two characters
items array Array of S2S Order Item

S2S Order Item

Attribute Type Description
sku string Autodesk SKU for Article that is ordered, a value between 1-35 characters
quantity integer Number of Articles to buy, a value between 1-1000
price integer Total price which equals price of sku times quantity. This attribute is for confirmation only.
serial_number string Serial Number of the Subscription that seats should be increased.

Price Object

Price objects are consistently represented with this object when it is attached with a non-financial document. A financial object is denoted in one currency while other objects support several currencies. The currencies listed in price object depends on your solution setup. Each currency defined in solution setup is represented as a three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase

Price Object Example

    "dkk": 15400,
    "eur": 1855,
    "gbp": 1855,
    "nok": 23200,
    "sek": 23000,
    "usd": 1855
Attribute Type Description
cur number Amount in currency


Some fields have a predefined list of possible values. Below we describe each field and the valid values that are currently possible. The reason for this section is mainly to offer some protection against sudden up stream changes while also being transparent with possible values.

Account Segment

Autodesk classification of customer account

Value Description
NA Represents not availeble or not applicable.

Account Status

Autodesk Account Status

Value Description
OUT_OF_BUSINESS Out of Business
NA Represents not availeble or not applicable.

Account Type

Value Description
DISTRIBUTOR VAD - Distributor of Autodesk
RESELLER VAR - Reseller of Autodesk
END_CUSTOMER End Customer, the default buyer of subscriptions.
PARENT Parent of other accounts, several End Customers may share parent and belong to the same company group.

Activation Type

How product is activated, Serial Number is the older type. Sign On is preffered since it offers compability with metrics & premium.

Value Description
SERIAL_NUMBER This subscription is activated by Serial Number
SIGN_ON This subscription is Sign On activated

Active Status

A classifier for easy filtration of active/inactive accounts and contacts.

Value Description
ACTIVE Entity has atleast one active subscription.
INACTIVE Entity has no currently active subscriptions.

Contract Type

Value Description
MAINTENANCE Maintenance contract, end of life.
SUBSCRIPTION Subscription contract
FLEX Flex contract
NA Represents not availeble or not applicable.


Value Description
SINGLE_USER Single User per seat, requirement for sign on
MULTI_USER Multi User/Network license, retiring type.
FLEX Flex can be used by several assigned sign on users
NA Represents not availeble or not applicable.

GEO Market

Autodesk GEO Market

Value Description
EMEA Europe, Middle East, and Africa.
APAC Asia-Pacific
AMERICAS North & South America
NA Represents not availeble or not applicable.

Operating System

Operation System that article is supporting

Value Description
NA Represents "Not applicable"
WIN Software runs on Windows
MAC Sofware runs on Macintosh
LINUX Software runs on Linux
WIN_MAC Software runs on Windows and Macintosh
WIN_LINUX Software runs on Windows and Linux
MAC_LINUX Software runs on Macintosh and Linux
WIN_MAC_LINUX Software runs on Windows, Macintosh and Linux

Order Type

Value Description
ADD_PRODUCT Represents an "Add Product Order"
ADD_SEAT Represents an "Add Seat Order"
EXTEND Represents an "Extend Order"
INITIAL Represents an "Intial Order"
LEGACY Represents an "Legacy Order"
MULTI_USER_TRADE_IN Represents an "Multi-user Trade-in Order"
RENEWAL Represents an "Renewal Order"
S2S Represents an "S2S Order"

Product Division

Represents the Product Division that an Article belongs to

Value Description
AEC Architecture, Engineering & Construction
HOR Horizontal Tier
ME Media & Entertainment
MFG Product Design & Manufacturing
OPEN Open Tier

Sales Region

Autodesk Sales Region

Value Description
ANZ Australia & New Zeeland
ASEAN The Association of Southeast Asian Nations
CHINA Greater China
NA Represents not availeble or not applicable.

Subscription Status

Can be used to filter out relevant subscriptions.

Value Description
ACTIVE Indicates that Subscription between start and end date that can be used.
EXPIRED Indiciates that Subscription has passed their end date.
INACTIVE Indicates that Subscription will become ACTIVE on start date.

Sales Status

Value Description
RENEWED_WITH_DIST Renewed - Placed with Distributor
RENEWED_WITH_RESELLER Renewed - Order with Reseller
RENEW_BUYING_AS_IS Renew - Buying As-Is
RENEW_PARTIAL_RENEWAL Renew – Partial Renewal
CHANGE_BOUGHT_NEW_SEAT Change - Bought New Seat
CHANGE_M2S_SWITCH Change - M2S Switch
DELAYED_SALES_PROCESS Delayed - Sales Process
DELAYED_STILL_INTRESTED Delayed – Still Interested
LOST_PARTIAL_RENEWAL Lost - Partial Renewal
LOST_COMPETITIVE_SOFTWARE Lost – Competitive Software
LOST_DOWNSIZING Lost - Downsizing
LOST_EU_DOESNT_EXIST Lost - EU Doesn’t Exist
LOST_NO_BUDGET Lost - No Budget
LOST_NO_FURTHER_NEED Lost - No Further Need
LOST_NO_VALUE Lost - No Value
LOST_TO_ADSK_RESELLER Lost - To Adsk Reseller
LOST_TO_AUTODESK Lost - To Autodesk
LOST_OTHER_REASON Lost - Other Reason
CONTACTED_QUOTED Contacted - Quoted
CONTACTED_QUOTED_PREPARED Contacted - Quote Prepared

Transaction Status

Value Description
PENDING Represents a Transaction that is Pending
PROCESSED Represents a Transaction that is Processsed
PROCESSING Represents a Transaction that is Processing
REJECTED Represents a Transaction that is Rejected
STUCK Represents a Transaction that is Stuck

Nurture Reseller

Value Description
N/A Represents not available or not applicable

Contact Role

Value Description
PRIMARY_TEAM_ADMIN_CONTRACT_MANAGER Primary Team Admin & Contract Manager

Autodesk Contact Status

Value Description
NOT_AT_COMPANY Not at Company
OUT_OF_BUSINESS Out of Business
NA n/a

Product Group

Value Description
ADVANCED_MACHINING_ADDITIVE_MANUFACTURING Advanced Machining/ Additive Manufacturing
ADDITIVE_MANUFACTURING_ADVANCED_DESIGN_ADVANCED_MACHINING Additive Manufacturing/ Advanced Design/ Advanced Machining
ADVANCED_MATERIALS_ANALYSIS_CAM Advanced Materials Analysis & Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
FUSION_360 Fusion 360
PRODUCT_DESIGN_MFG_PLM Product Design & MFG/ Fusion Lifecycle
SITE_CONSTRUCTION_OPS Site Construction & Operations
PRE_CONSTRUCTION_DESIGN_PLANNING Pre-Construction Design & Planning
PRE_CONSTRUCTION_DESIGN_PLANNING_SITE_CONSTRUCTION_OPS Pre-Construction Design & Planning/ Site Construction & Operations
ADDITIVE_MANUFACTURING_ADVANCED_DESIGN_ADVANCED_MACHINING_CAM_FUSION_360 Additive Manufacturing/ Advanced Design/ Advanced Machining/ Computer Aided Manufacturing/ Fusion 360


This sections describes Autodesk terminology.

Account Admin

Account Admin is assigned at account level and is inherited to contract, opportunities, and subscriptions. Account Admin is intended to be used to show who, at the reseller site, is the administrator of the account (i.e. renewal process or customer mailing). This is assigned to account by patching an account or by using web interface.

Account Manager

Account Manager is assigned at account level and is inherited to contract, opportunities and subscriptions. Account Manager is intended to be used to show who, at the reseller site, is the sales person of the account. This is assigned to account by patching an account or by using web interface.

Contract Manager

Contract Manager is assigned per contract and tell us who at the End Customer is responsible for the Contract.

Contract Number

Contract number represent an unique identifier for an Autodesk Contract. An Autodesk contract is a collection of Autodesk subscriptions


Autodesk Case is manual requests towards Autodesk made trough Autodesk Partner Center. Can be used for non-automated orders, data fixes, support etc.


CSN is an uniqie identifier representing an Autodesk Account.


Autodesk Value Added Distributor (VAD). When transaction is direct reseller may be put in this field.

End Customer

Autodesk End Customer is the company that purchased the licenses.


Autodesk Flex is when End Customer may buy a set of tokens. The tokens are assigned to a team, Team Admin may assign a number of users to Flex. Flex users will then have access to Autodesk products part of Flex and tokens will be consumed each day a user activates the product.


Parent of other accounts, several accounts may share parent and belong to the same company group. Teams and subscriptions may be shared within the companies in the same group.

Product Line Code

Represents an unique id for an Autodesk product line. A product line contains multiple articles.


Autodesk Value Added Reseller (VAR).

Reseller Site

Reseller Site is used to identify which office inside reseller manages the account relation. Usually relevant when a reseller wants to seperate different countries. This is assigned to account by patching an account or by using web interface.


A sign on seat my be assigned to a user who may then use connected subscription product. Seats may differ from quantity since quantity refers to quantity of an item or and order, the article in question might be a multi seat pack.

Serial Number

Serial Number is the unique identifier of a subscription, including maintenance and flex. A serial number is assigned to one contract that require a transaction or case to change and may also be assigned to one team, team assignment may be done by Team Admin without financial transactions. If subscription has several seats on the same serial number one may still only assign the serial number and its seats to one team.

Sign on

Sign on refers to how the user activates the product, a sign on user signs in with their autodesk user. Sign on are qualified for Premium Subscription & metrics can be collected.


A SKU represents an unique id for an Autodesk Article. Article represents the orderable item.

Suggested Retail Price

Suggested Retail Price (SRP).

Primary Team Admin

Team Admin/ Primary Team Admin/ PTA/ Primary Admin is an assigned administrator of one or many teams. Team admin may add and remove teams, assign subscriptions to teams and may assigned users to seats in teams.

True Up

Premium subscriptions needs to be aligned to connected subscriptions annualy. True Up is what Autodesk calls the process, it is usally done at Renewal.


API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general: Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, a charge failed, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error server side.

The API uses the following HTTP Status codes:

Code Description
200 - OK Everything worked as expected.
400 - Bad Request The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.
401 - Unauthorized Your authentication is invalid or expired.
403 - Forbidden The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request.
404 - Not Found The requested resource doesn't exist.
405 - Method Not Allowed Target resource doesn't support this method.
500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors Something went wrong on our end, feel free to contact us.